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Agera PR launches the new car brand OMODA in Sweden

The Chinese car brand OMODA will be introduced to the Swedish market this summer. OMODA has chosen Agera PR as its communication partner for the launch in Sweden. The campaign will involve test drives and other press contacts that create publicity.

The OMODA brand from the Chinese car maker Chery Automobile made its début in 2022 and is now available in 14 markets around the world. OMODA will make its entrance into the Swedish market this summer, after being warmly received in several European countries in 2023. To boost its presence and communicate effectively in the Swedish market, OMODA has chosen to work with Agera PR.

‘We are delighted to introduce OMODA to the Swedish market, and partnering with Agera PR is a key element in our strategy to make this a successful launch. They have understood the importance of the corporate responsibility behind the brand, which is to serve as a bridge in increasing awareness of OMODA in Sweden,’ says Bruno Su, who is responsible for the Swedish launch at OMODA.

Agera PR was started by Michael Falk in 2007, and today operates throughout the Nordic region. Agera PR works with a number of companies in technology/PR, retailing and environmental engineering, as well as in the automotive industry. Agera PR will work closely with OMODA to develop and implement the strategy so that brand exposure is maximised.

‘Having the opportunity to support OMODA in its entry into the Swedish market is an exciting challenge for us. Our previous experience means we are well equipped to create PR that increases awareness of OMODA. We look forward to contributing to the brand’s success in Sweden,’ says Michael Falk, founder and CEO of Agera PR.

OMODA is backed by Chery Automobile, one of the largest and most established car makers in China. As well as OMODA, they will be introducing the JAECOO brand in Sweden.

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