08- 410 379 80 info@agerapr.se

Agera PR launches the new car brand OMODA in Sweden

The Chinese car brand OMODA will be introduced to the Swedish market this summer. OMODA has chosen Agera PR as its communication partner for the launch in Sweden. The campaign will involve test drives and other press contacts that create publicity. The OMODA brand...

Are AI journalists the future?

Today a number of Swedish local media outlets regularly publish articles written using automated techniques. The articles are often about someone in the local area having launched a company or bought a property. As long as the information the newspaper article is...

How news is different in the Nordic region

International companies often need help from a team like us at Agera PR to generate more publicity in the Nordic region. They normally want us to implement their international PR strategy in the Nordic countries. However, it is important to remember that the Nordic...

So, how did the interview go?

A PR agency is often tasked with ensuring clients are interviewed and quoted in the media. The results are almost always incredibly positive. Published articles generally contain the message that our client wants to convey. Such articles reach a significant proportion...

Can PR save the CEO from scandal?

A study from PwC showed a few years ago that scandals and corruption were the most common causes for the forced resignation of CEOs of the largest global companies. Could good PR have saved them? Maybe – if the PR agency had worked in the right way and the insights...